Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Choice Is Great 2

So, last week I discussed the different wheel sizes available for mountain bikes.  We could talk about the different choices until we're blue in the face.  Each element has it's place and also there is your personal preference.

For example, full suspension.  There have been a lot of innovations in this arena.  Consider your choice wisely.  Keep in mind what type of riding you do the most.  There is cross country, down hill, enduro which is a combo of the first two, and of course 4x which is like BMX for big boys.  There is also dual slalom which is pretty cool.  And we shouldn't forget slope style, which is just ridiculous.  I couldn't begin to imagine the magnitude of my injuries if I tried that style.

Many of these styles have mountain bikes that are specifically designed for that style.  Particularly down hill and cross country.  I believe slope style has several to choose from, too.  So, consider the riding you will be doing the most because some of these bikes have some real geometric influences that predispose that bike for a particular genre of riding.  I don't think I would, for example, take a down hill bike on the cross country single track.  It's just not designed for endurance pedalling and climbing.  Not to mention, you just wouldn't need the 8" of suspension travel they offer.

Another thing I wanted to talk about before I forget.  I do that a lot...is nutrition.  I know, just talk about riding and bikes...and would you mind putting a freakin picture or video or something?!  I know all that, I would love to.  As soon as I figure out how.  It's hard reading without the occasional distracting photo or video.  I promise I will get to that point, as soon as I get more than one or two reader.

Anyway, nutrition.  If you like to ride, as I do, you already know, or soon will, that your body needs fuel to maintain an energy level that will allow you a nice, long, and fun ride.  And still be able to make it back home or to the car.  If you feed your body properly before, yes, during, and after the ride it will be fun.  Experienced riders know what it's like to be out 15 to 20 miles and lose all energy in your legs...or worse, start to cramp.  Making sure you intake the proper foods before you ride, and take something to snack on while your riding, is essential to maintaining your energy level.  I am also a firm believer in fluid supplements.  Water is great but when your exerting so many watts of energy, it just doesn't cut it.  Sorry Water Boy!!  The burning in the legs is lactic acid burn.  It's from consuming dairy products.  Don't stop consuming dairy products, please!!  It will pass, I promise.  Just rub or shake it out.  I stopped consuming dairy products years ago in order to avoid this...you know what...you would be surprised what they put dairy products in...and I love ice cream.  Soooo, it doesn't last long.  And the more you ride, you become accustomed to it.  More benefits than not. 

Eat your whole grains...lots.  Get your proteins and carbohydrates.  Pasta!!!  Gatorade!!!  Invest in a camelbak.  They can be a bit pricey but they're worth it.  Eat, drink, and ride.  As always, get out there and ride your bike!  Make sure you're seen by drivers!!!

The Mature Cyclist

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