Monday, July 25, 2011

People I Appreciate

Today I wanted to talk about some companies I really appreciate.  First, YOUR local bike shop.  People that want to serve you.  They want to help you enjoy cycling in every way!  Support them as they wish to support you.  A bike shop is very difficult to maintain without a stable following of customers that become something akin to family.

Second, I want to mention a company that has introduced me to new products.  They also can provide technical support that has been very helpful to me.  They are a wonderful source for products to cyclists that have the ability to work on their own bikes.  They have everything from parts, accessories, tools, and complete bikes.  They have a relationship with the bicycle manufacturer called Sette. 

Third, Sette.  This bicycle manufacturer provides well equipped, professional grade bikes at ridiculous prices.  Road, mountain bikes, whatever your level of riding, they have a bike for you.  The prices are insanely low for what you get.  I highly recommend you check them out if you are in the market for a new bike!!

Now I want to talk about an experience I had on a recent ride I went on.  I ride a mountain bike.  Why?  Because I love it!!  I had gone on a ride to a nearby park and rode the trails.  They aren't particularly challenging.  Just for some leg time and endurance.

From there I went to another park that doesn't have much at all for trails but it gives me some road time.  On my way back home I'm always looking for little trails that I haven't seen before.  You never know where they'll pop up...or where they'll lead.  The latter is the one that we should all be aware of.  Everyone that rides trails knows that while riding a trail you watch where you want to go, not where you are.  If you don't, you will find yourself where you don't want to be.  Face planted against a tree!!  Not good for a beautiful smile.  Or, in my case, on this particular trail I discovered, doing an endo with my front wheel embedded deeply in an unexpected mud bog.  In slow motion, I watched the end of my handle bar approaching my ribs.  My hands were wrenched from my grips and down I went.  I use spd clip pedals.  As my bike began to lay down, my feet being attached to the pedals, I felt myself being pulled down toward the handle bar end.  And there it was!!!  I felt my full weight coming down onto the bar end and OUCH!!!  In retrospect, it is a hard lesson learned and a stern reminder that bad things can happen while riding. 

Result?  Horrible bruising on my sternum and ribs.  Nothing broken...this time.  However, I was reminded that this was a trail that I had no knowledge of, and I lost sight of the rule.  Watch where you want to go, not where you are!!!  Never again...until next time. 

I want to jump to a topic that has been brought to my attention recently.  And I would like to bring it to yours.  Government funding cuts for parks and trails.  I think we all know the reality of the economic situation in the nation today.  So I won't go into all that.  However, I do believe it's time for our society to wake up.  We need to decide, once and for all, what we really want!  Do we really want to break free of big oil or not?!  Do we really want to do something to battle obesity across the age groups or not?! 

I ride everywhere I go.  I know what it's like to try to find a safe route via roadways to a specific destination.  Too often, there simply isn't one.  That is a shame.  In most areas of our country, sidewalks are intended for pedestrian traffic only.  Cyclists are meant to share the roadways with the two ton vehicles.  Safe?  Absolutely not!!!  Not all motorists are evil.  Quite the contrary.  They mean well.  But we can't assume they see us.  Many cities provide cycling lanes.  They are protected and motorists are not to intrude into them.  That's a brilliant idea!!  What if that was the trend?  Seattle, Washington is one such city.  In fact the Mayor of that city rides his bike to work every day.  Nice. :)

I believe that if cycling was afforded the same consideration as motorists in regard to roadways and access, things would be very different.  If cycling became a safe means of transportation I believe we would see a lot of positive changes in our society.

I would be interested in hearing some of your ideas for solutions to this topic.  I feel the community of cyclists are not afraid to help in the development of our own solutions.  We are not afraid to sacrifice for the greater good of that basic skill we learned so many years ago.  Please provide comments with your ideas.  Maybe they'll make a difference! 

Thanks for your time and attention.  Be careful out there.  Get out and ride your bike!!!

The Mature Cyclist,


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